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Featured songs with  critical commentaries and videos:

Featured MP3 Albums:

The Live concert in The Albert Hall, London, 1963.

  1. The Courageous Don Cossacks.
  2. Beautiful Moonlit Night.
  3. Kamarinskaya.
  4. Ah! Lovely Night!
  5. You Are Always Beautiful.
  6. Kalinka.
  7. A Birch Tree In a Field Did Stand.
  8. Song of the Plains.
  9. Ukrainian Poem.
  10. Annie Laurie.
  11. Zaparozhtsi Dance.

“Songs of the Peoples of the World”

  1. Yo, heave ho! (Russian song)
  2. Song about Hammer (American song, feat Paul Robson)
  3. No, John, no! (English folksong)
  4. Wind is blowing (song of Italian partisans)
  5. Bella, ciao! (song of Italian partisans)
  6. Will die, will die… (Slovak folksong)
  7. Adelita (Mexican folksong)
  8. Swallow (Mexican folksong)
  9. No, senior (Mexican folksong)
  10. Girl was going for water (Czech folksong)
  11. Finikuli-finikula (Italian song)
  12. Pasties with cheese (Ukrainian folksong)
  13. Neighbour (Ukrainian folksong)

“From Boris Alexandrov to the Army”

  1. Introductory speech by Boris Alexandrov
  2. Song about Lenin
  3. Long live our Power
  4. Red Army is the Soviet Army
  5. Winner’s March
  6. Ballad about Moscow boy
  7. Minute of Silence
  8. Guardsmen were meeting spring in Berlin

“Planet Kalinka”

  1. Kalinka
  2. Dark Eyes
  3. Troyka
  4. Down Peterskaya Street
  5. Evening Bell
  6. Along The Plains And Hills
  7. Sacred War
  8. Ballad About The Soldier
  9. The Sun Set Behind The Hill
  10. Tenth Battalion
  11. The Field
  12. Nightingales
  13. Suliko
  14. Chorus from the opera ‘Ernani’
  15. Chorus from the opera ‘Nabukko’
  16. Gypsies Chorus from the opera ‘Il Trovatore’
  17. Chorus from the opera ‘Boris Godunov’
  18. Katyusha
  19. The Road

Featured Separate Songs:

9 comments on “Music

  1. do you have some albums of Red Army Choir in lossless?

  2. I don’t have money to do this
    I’m finding lossless of’the best military songs”
    if you have it,please send me

  3. Adma says:


    Do you know if I can buy this two CDs from France ? It’s
    “Krasnosnamennyj ansambl. Narodnye pesni. mp3 Kollekzija”
    “Krasnoznamennyj ansambl. Pesni sovetskih kompozitorov (mp3)”
    I find they only in Russia and they dosent want to sell out of Russia…

    I hope for an answer…


  4. Diana says:

    Can you tell me whether the Red Army Choir will be playing in the UK this year?

    • njdeb says:

      Hello, Diana.

      We’ve taken a look at the Ensemble’s official web site and can’t find a complete performance schedule! Might I suggest that you send them an inquiry? Here’s the e-mail address: Go ahead and write it in English. They have people there who will be able to read it and (hopefully!) respond. It will be good for them to know that their international fans are interested and supportive!

      Best wishes.

  5. Guxman says:

    Thanks for downloading so wonderful music

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